CBD Benefits

One of the major CBD benefits is its usefulness in the treatment of psychiatric disorders like anxiety issues, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, etc. This is because cannabidiol is a better natural alternative than the generally prescribed pharmaceutical drugs that have side effects on long-term use. Apart from this, consumers are also using it for stress relief and relaxation by consuming it orally or vaping. In this article we will be looking into the use of CBD for managing anxiety and PTSD in veterans; read on to know more.

Anxiety And PTSD In Veterans

Anxiety and PTSD are suffered by veterans who have fought in major wars and this is especially true for those who were part of the middle east mission. As a result of this, most often they have a hard time adjusting to regular life, and they end up getting addicted to substances, end up in the streets, commit suicide, or do other such extreme actions. Also, there are cases where they suffer side effects from opioid painkillers due to long-term consumption which was prescribed to deal with combat-related chronic pain. The side effects are stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and mood swings.

Cannabidiol (CBD) For Anxiety And PTSD In Veterans

As mentioned earlier, veterans are prescribed opioid painkillers for combat-related chronic pain and this also results in addiction., CBD is a better alternative as it does not pose the risk of developing an addiction, and it has good analgesic effects. Also, it is good at treating anxiety and PTSD because of its anxiolytic and stress-reducing effects. These are some of the reasons for its legalization with the Farm Act Of 2018 which legalized hemp cultivation for therapeutic and medical purposes at the federal level.

How Cannabidiol (CBD) Works For Anxiety And PTSD?

CBD is useful for treating anxiety because at high concentration it activates the serotonin receptors 5-HT1AR and this increases serotonin levels in the brain. Also, it improves mood by increasing the level of neurotransmitter anandamide, as well as enhancing the calming effect of GABA receptors. Besides, it has been found that, if CBD is administered within an hour of the experience resulting in PTSD and anxiety, it can significantly reduce the adverse effects. But, this does not mean that it will cure these conditions, it only helps to manage them better. Also, there is the possibility of its use for managing anxiety and stress in soldiers who are in active duty.

We hope that the article gave you a better insight into CBD benefits for managing anxiety and PTSD symptoms in veterans.