CBD For Thyroid

The thyroid is an endocrine gland that is present in front of our windpipe at the base of the neck. This gland produces various hormones that regulate many systems throughout the body. A healthy thyroid gland is necessary to ensure the health of bones, hearts, and muscles. In addition, the gland maintains communication with the brain and thereby modulates homeostasis. The gland also affects the body temperature, metabolism, emotional responses, and heart rate. This is why thyroid disorders can lead to many symptoms and even life-threatening complications.

Thyroid Disorders 

The thyroid gland releases many hormones that are macroscopically termed thyroid hormones. When the gland releases too little of these hormones, the condition is called hypothyroidism and when it releases too much of these hormones, it is called hyperthyroidism. Both these conditions can dangerous to our health and well-being. Disorders of the thyroid gland can lead to goiter, grave’s disease, thyroid cancer, thyroiditis, thyroid storm, thyroid nodules, etc.

CBD For Thyroid Disorders 

People who use CBD for thyroid disorders make use of high-quality CBD oil. CBD oil can be used to address many thyroid disorders like goiter, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism. However, how effective is CBD in treating thyroid disorders? Many users have indicated that using CBD oil has offered positive results to them. Furthermore, there are several inquisitions that support the regulatory effects of CBD on the thyroid. For instance, a study from 2002 proposed evidence of functional cannabinoid receptors in the thyroid glands of rats. These receptors seem to influence the release of both T3 and T4 hormones.

The study also made use of a molecular detection technique called immunohistochemical localization and the results showed the presence of intracellular cannabinoid receptors. A 30% decrease in hormone release was noted within hours of administration of synthetic CB1 receptor agonist. CBD is an indirect antagonist of the CB1 receptor and therefore it could result in the reverse outcome, that is an increase in hormone release.

The general property of CBD can also help with controlling the effects of thyroid disorders. Many studies prove the effects of CBD in reducing inflammation and studies on the relationship of CBD with hormonal activity are promising. However, these are not enough to claim that CBD is an effective treatment for thyroid disorders. We need more studies and research to claim that CBD can be effectively used to treat thyroid disorders.