CBD For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes soreness in the muscles and bones, as well as sleep and cognitive problems. Even for medical practitioners, this disease might be difficult to comprehend. Its signs are akin to those of other illnesses, and there are no true tests available to establish the diagnosis. Fibromyalgia is frequently misdiagnosed as a result of this.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia are more severe in women than in men. Pain, IBS symptoms, and morning weariness are all more common in women than in men. Period pain is also very prevalent. You need to note that no cure for fibromyalgia has been found yet. Most treatments mainly focus on reducing the symptom of the condition.

Health experts recommend medications and lifestyle changes for managing fibromyalgia. Contemporary studies suggests that CBD may be helpful.

CBD For Fibromyalgia

CBD has been utilized to help those with chronic pain and inflammation. It’s marketed as a better alternative to potentially addictive opioid prescriptions. While there aren’t any studies specifically on CBD oil for managing fibromyalgia, there are studies on cannabinoids for alleviating fibromyalgia pain. CBD is just one of many distinct cannabinoids contained in cannabis and hemp, thus correlations can be established.

In a 2011 study, 28 people with fibromyalgia were given different dosages of cannabis. Patients were assessed for pain levels after getting a cannabis dose. Many of the test respondents reported a reduction in pain after just a few hours of cannabis use, according to VAS grading. Scientists conclude that cannabis consumption is connected with favorable effects on various fibromyalgia symptoms in the study’s conclusion.

Another study from 2008 looks at evidence of the efficacy of cannabis for illnesses like migraines and fibromyalgia. According to the study, migraine, fibromyalgia, IBS, and other similar disorders share clinical, biochemical, and pathophysiological patterns that can be treated effectively with cannabis drugs.

How To Take CBD For Pain Linked With Fibromyalgia?

CBD products with only trace quantities of THC are available if you wish to avoid the euphoric effects of marijuana. Also, you may have to decide which CBD product you are going to use since there are divergent variants of CBD products circulating in the market.

Most people who experience severe pain on a specific part of their body prefer to use CBD topicals like CBD creams or lotions. This is because topical application of CBD can provide localized pain relief. CBD tinctures can provide quick pain relief and that is why many people also buy them.