CBD For Anxiety

The amount of CBD you have to consume can vary based on the health condition you are aiming to treat. Some minor ailments like mild pain and general discomforts can be treated with lower CBD dosages, but certain chronic health conditions demand higher dosages of this compound. Therefore, it is important for you to know the right dosage of CBD you have to take for the ailment you are suffering from.

It can be difficult to determine the correct CBD dosage suitable for you. But certain online CBD dosage calculators might help with finding a dosage you have to take based on different factors including your body weight, the disease you want to treat, etc. While it is not possible to access the accuracy of these calculators, they can be a good start to getting dosage recommendations.

There are different CBD dosages recommended by experts for various ailments. Some of them are listed below:

CBD Dosage For Pain

When using CBD for pain, you have to consider the intensity of the pain you are suffering from. Mild pain, headaches, muscle soreness, etc. need lower amounts of CBD. Hence, a dosage between 5-25mg might be enough.

But if the pain is chronic, like cancer-related pain, then higher dosages of CBD are necessary to get relief. You can ask your doctor to recommend a CBD dosage based on the type and intensity of pain you are suffering from. But if your doctor cannot offer a recommendation, then it is better to start with low dosages. You can increase the dosage gradually until you get the desired effects.

CBD Dosage For Anxiety

People use CBD for anxiety disorders because of the natural ability of this compound to induce relaxation. The recommended CBD dosage for CBD is between 300-600mg per day. It is better to avoid taking this much amount of CBD at once. You can take small dosages throughout the day to get better results.

CBD For Glaucoma

This eye disorder can be treated with 20-40mg of CBD. But make sure to avoid dosages exceeding 40mg, as they can increase the eye pressure.

CBD For Sleep

The recommended CBD dosage for sleep is 25mg per day. You can take this compound before your bedtime to get better sleep.

CBD For Nausea

Placing 2-3 drops of CBD oil under your tongue can be helpful to control the urge of nausea and vomiting.

These are general recommendations. You might have to increase or decrease the amount you have to take based on your body features and the intensity of your ailments.