Common CBD Myths

For the past few years, CBD is in the spotlight for both good and bad reasons. Numerous studies conducted over the years have shown that CBD is a wonderful cannabinoid that possesses several therapeutic properties. CBD is found to be very effective in alleviating many mental and physical health problems.

On the other hand, there are also many myths that surround CBD, which keeps many people away from it. Let’s take a look at some of these common CBD myths.

CBD Is Psychoactive/Sedative

Some people believe that CBD gets you high or creates a euphoric sensation when you use it. This misconception arises due to the fact that CBD is extracted from cannabis. However, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Another cannabinoid called THC present in cannabis causes psychoactive effects. Even though CBD is shown to have the ability to alleviate insomnia, no studies have found that the use of CBD knocks you out like other sedatives.

The FDA Does Not Regulate CBD Products

This is another common misconception about CBD. Many people believe that the FDA does not regulate CBD and there is no control over the sales of CBD products. In fact, the FDA has taken a keen interest in CBD for a long time. According to the FDA, many shady companies are selling low-quality CBD products claiming that they alleviate all your health problems. To stop these companies, the FDA has put forward many regulations to protect consumers.

CBD Works The Same For Everyone

This claim is also not true because there are several factors that determine the effects of CBD on someone. The most important one is body chemistry. The rate of chemical reactions in the body is different for each person. Therefore, when you use CBD it may not necessarily provide the same effects for everyone.

CBD Gets Converted To THC

This is one of the most bizarre myths surrounding CBD and CBD products. For many years, people believed that the hydrochloric acid in our stomach has the power to convert CBD into THC and cause psychoactive effects. There is no evidence that supports this claim. Some CBD products that are made from full-spectrum CBD contain less than 0.3% THC, which is not enough to get you high.

CBD Causes Addiction

It is completely the opposite; CBD can help cure addiction. There is no evidence that suggests CBD may cause dependency. On the other contrary, many studies are claiming that CBD may help in curing a nicotine addiction.